Friday, June 3, 2022

Your words are a curiosity, a breath of fresh air and a challenge for a man to keep up with. Live is to live, enjoy and not meant to impress or be better than another.


Due to...I’ve loved and lost also. Sally, Sue, Babe,Sarah/Sandy, just so you will know. After 2 pm on week day and always on weekends and holidays I’m radio silent.Let silence be your motto, until duty bids you to speak. Thank the Great Spirit for every meal.Be kind .Happy Notes, History Of Veterans With Skills, Lots Of Hard Knocks: Tips.

Your words are a curiosity, a breath of fresh air and a challenge for a man to keep up with. Live is to live, enjoy and not meant to impress or be better than another. Enjoy it and look for the opportunities. Due to...I’ve loved and lost also. Sally, Sue, Babe,Sarah/Sandy, just so you will know. After 2 pm on week day and always on weekends and holidays I’m radio silent.

Due to...I’ve loved and lost also. Sally, Sue, Babe,Sarah/Sandy, just so you will know. After 2 pm on week day and always on weekends and holidays I’m radio silent.Your words are a curiosity, a breath of fresh air and a challenge for a man to keep up with. Live is to live, enjoy and not meant to impress or be better than another. 

Need Service?There's no exact time frame for when that will be ready. 4 years now, updates. Mayia A. (Spruce Power)Unacepptable. Close Tomorrow March 4th 2022.Spruce Power,67TH ATTEMPT:
May be an illustration

WINNERSLOSERSLEARNERSHATSTOWEARROLES.BLOGSPOT.COM. Everything Is One.Public Group.The Doctor is in the house! RAZZLE DAZZLE! 'Saints and Sinners.

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You guys like poems? Here's one: QUOTE |Dan Evans, .Daniel Evans - Real Estate Agent in Vista, CA He's got no style, He's got no grace; He's got no body, He's got no face.